Our Assessment Centre (AC) for Staff Selection -
Getting the Right People on Board

Identifying and recruiting suitable specialists and managers is becoming an ever increasing challenge for companies. Which applicants, which external candidates meet the requirements and have the potential to really contribute to the company's future success?
Professional Assessment Centres (AC) help answer these questions.

Our Competence:
Our AC has the objective to assess the (external or internal) applicants' suitability for demanding management or expert positions and to identify relevant competencies and potential.
For this purpose, several observers assess the personal behaviour and the individual performance
- of several candidates
- in handling various simulated challenging situations
- that are typical of the position to be filled,
- on the basis of previously defined criteria.
The efficiency of ACs depends on important success factors such as a valid definition of the requirements, the use of real-life assignments and the participation of qualified internal executives.
Your Benefit:
Our AC allows the company to draw up a precise profile of an applicant and to reach a valid and fair Yes or No decision based on a comparison with the requirements profile of the vacant position.
Exemplary Participant Statement:
"After a couple of assignments I was able to develop myself a feeling of whether I would match the profile of the offered job. I found it very helpful to be given the opportunity to compare with the direct competitors. A good event according to the motto 'tough but fair'".